Easy BBQ Chicken


1 chicken, cut into 8 pieces, or whatever bone-in chicken you have laying around

1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce


Start the grill.

Dump the bottle of sauce in a pot. Fill the bottle with water, shake it up, pour into the pot.

When it’s boiling, add the chicken. Cook for 20-25 minutes or sostirring occasionally,  until the chicken starts to fall of the bone a little.

Throw the chicken on the cooler side of the grill, if you can do indirect heat, otherwise make sure the grill is on low. You don’t want it to stick.

Brush some of the sauce on the chicken and cover. Wait a bit, brush more sauce on, wash, rinse, repeat until there’s like 1/4 of the original sauce left in the pot, and the chicken has some nice chariness/crispiness to it.

Throw the chicken back in the pot to coat w/the sauce and serve.