
I cringe whenever I see dreamweaver listed as a requirement for a job posting. Right away, I can tell that whomever is posting the job really doesn’t understand web development, or the people who are good at web development, because if they did they’d know that dreamweaver is fundamentally a useless, pointless, resource-sucking program that continues to try and slap WYSIWYG on the most slippery, amoebic, “un-speccable”  communication technology to date-namely the web. The only real contributions Adobe makes to the web are Flash and Photoshop. Everything else can be done with the most basic of text editors.


3 responses to “Dreamweaver”

  1. Bill F. Avatar

    OK Ben D. – where should I be spending my time then, what I like about Dreamweaver, which you introduced me to, is that it helps me understand HTML more and more using the split screen. Us “rookies” find it helpful. Do you still suggest WordPress and HTML tweaks? I installed WordPress on a site, but need to learn to tweak it. By the way, you are the best.


  2. Thanks Bill, no YOU’RE the best ! The split screen misrepresents what your page really looks like, but as long as you understand this and test your layout under Trident (IE), Gecko (Firefox) and Webkit (Safari), and make sure it’s pretty close, you’re fine. The problem is that it takes a while to get this approach, and beginners have enough to deal with just learning syntax and structure, that they tend to ignore the browser consistency issue. Working in a text editor forces these considerations on beginners.
    Maybe my instructions for building a wordpress template can help with your WordPress venture. Bring the fam over for dinner and we can retire to the Man Office to go through it.

  3. I laugh when people dig up old threads in forums years later – like it was just posted the other day. I feel like I’m just about to do that now 😀

    I agree with Ben, best thing I ever did in my career was to stop using dreamweaver. As soon as you step out of the comfort of WYSIWYG environments, your forced to learn and understand the code you write and create.

    DW is one hefty turd – very powerful if used to its full potential, but for managing HTML/PHP pages its just a bloat.


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